Brand Name & Strength
QSMI Thai Red Cross Neuro Polyvalent Snake Antivenom
Reconstitute with provided solvent or 10 ml WFI
Further Dilution
Dilute the reconstituted antivenom with 5 – 10 ml/kg diluent for children or 250 – 500 ml diluent for adult
NS, D5
Administration & Infusion rate
IV infusion
Initial dose is 50 ml (5 vials) for kraits or 100 ml (10 vials) for cobra & king cobra
Administer at 1 – 2 ml/min over 10 – 15 min. If no reaction, complete the infusion at a rate 5 – 10
ml/min within less than 1 hr
Subsequent dose can be given every 1 – 2 hr according to clinical signs and symptoms.
Storage & Stability
(<25 oC)
(2 – 8 oC)
After Reconstitution
24 hr (preferably to use immediately)
After dilution
24 hr (preferably to use immediately)
Indicated for local and systemic envenomation from Cobra (Naja kaouthia & Naja sumatrana), King
Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), Malayan Krait (Bungarus candidus), Banded Krait (Bungarus fasciatus)
Dose for children should be similar to adult, the dose depends on the amount of venom instead of the
size of patients